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The European Training Foundation (ETF) has been supporting Jordan since 1998 to develop education and training to boost employability, increase access to opportunities and promote social cohesion complementing the work of the European Commission and the EU’s External Action Service, including responding to requests from the Delegation of the European Union to Jordan. The ETF supports policy dialogue with input to bilateral subcommittee meetings, monitoring the European Neighbourhood Policy action plans and annual country updates, and provides advice and technical assistance on the EU Sector Reform contract, particularly related to social partnership and the labour market.

The ETF reports on wider human capital developments within the Torino Process. It also cooperates with other bilateral and international donors, in particular the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development on sector skills’ councils.

További információ

Effectiveness and innovation potential in the area of ALMPs in Jordan
Skills and migration in Jordan 2021
Quality assurance in vocational education and training in Jordan – 2020
Skills and migration: Jordan, Infographic