Torino process focus group meeting: Regions and Cities for VET and Skills Development
The meeting will focus on achieving the following objectives:
1. Discuss experiences of sub-national implementation across the countries that have already implemented the Torino Process at sub-national level in 2016 and 2017, and take stock of lessons learnt, successes and improvements.
2. Discuss with participants the needs for support in terms of e.g. development of guidelines, training, and quality assurance, in particular for the countries implementing the Torino Process at sub-national level for the first time.
3. Discuss features and implementation modalities towards 2019-20.
Participants in the meeting will be country and regional/city representatives from the countries having already applied the Torino Process at sub-national level: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation, Tunisia, Ukraine, and the representatives from the countries having expressed their interest in applying the Torino Process at sub-national level in 2019: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Morocco, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.
The meeting working language is English with interpretation into French and Russian.
1. Discuss experiences of sub-national implementation across the countries that have already implemented the Torino Process at sub-national level in 2016 and 2017, and take stock of lessons learnt, successes and improvements.
2. Discuss with participants the needs for support in terms of e.g. development of guidelines, training, and quality assurance, in particular for the countries implementing the Torino Process at sub-national level for the first time.
3. Discuss features and implementation modalities towards 2019-20.
Participants in the meeting will be country and regional/city representatives from the countries having already applied the Torino Process at sub-national level: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation, Tunisia, Ukraine, and the representatives from the countries having expressed their interest in applying the Torino Process at sub-national level in 2019: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Morocco, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.
The meeting working language is English with interpretation into French and Russian.