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The ETF cooperates with and complements the work of the European Commission and the European External Action Service in its support to Egypt.The EU has invested 115 million EUR in two major TVET programmes in recent years in support of educational reform to which the ETF has been strongly involved through engagement with national stakeholders.

The ETF supports policy dialogue with input to bilateral subcommittee meetings, monitoring of European Neighbourhood Policy action plans and annual country updates. The ETF reports on wider human capital developments within the Torino Process, the fifth round of which was launched in Egypt in April 2019. The Torino Process analysis contributes to the programming cycle of the European Union and other donors.

The ETF advises the Delegation of the European Union to Egypt and the Egyptian Technical and Vocational Training (TVET) Programme Implementation Unit (PIU).  Focus will be given to sustainability of the TVET programme, the exit strategy and contribution to TVET reforms including quality assurance and a teacher training academy, as well as the technical education reform strategy.

Egypt is a member of the ETF Quality Assurance Forum. 

További információ

National qualifications framework – Egypt
Quality assurance in vocational education and training in Egypt – 2020