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As an EU agency closely collaborating with the European Commission and the EU’s External Action Service, the European Training Foundation strives to support the European Neighbourhood Policy, which seeks to promote stability and prosperity in EU neighbouring regions. Our efforts in Lebanon aim to support the development of education and training to boost employability, increase access to opportunities and promote social cohesion. We are supporting the Delegation of the European Union to Lebanon on projects and initiatives in the field of human capital development, with a special focus on technical and vocational training. 

We support the Ministry of Labour in developing capacity to facilitate the school-to-work transition and establish a national and regular employer survey. We also work with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, the General Directorate for Technical and Vocational Training, schools and other donor organisations on the implementation of career guidance activities aiming at creating a new function of career and counsellor officers in public schools.

Lebanon is actively involved in the Torino Process, a participatory analysis of education and training systems and policies, contributing to the ongoing and future policy reforms in this field. The country also participates in ETF Forum for Quality Assurance in VET and in the UfM Regional Platform on Employment and Labour.

További információ

National qualifications framework – Lebanon
Skills and migration country fiche Lebanon 2021
Quality assurance in vocational education and training in Lebanon – 2020
Skills and migration Lebanon – Infographic