The European Training Foundation (ETF) cooperates with and complements the work of the European Commission and the European External Action Service, including responding to requests from the Delegation of the European Union to Türkiye, contributing to the EU-Türkiye bilateral policy dialogue.
The ETF is actively supporting the implementation of actions in the Osnabrück Declaration in the region, in close cooperation with its sister agency Cedefop. The Osnabrück Declaration sets out policy actions for the 2021–25 period, in support of the Council Recommendation on vocational education and training (VET) for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience. The national implementation plan for Türkiye describes how the country plans to address EU priorities and achieve its national objectives in VET.
The ETF also gives input to EU policy monitoring mechanisms on VET, employment and social inclusion including an annual assessment of Türkiye’s Economic Reform Programme, and wider human capital developments reported in the Torino Process. It supports sector policy dialogue and donor coordination.
The ETF supports Turkish institutions and stakeholders in the rolling out of Türkiye’s Education Vision 2023 for the technical VET (TVET) and lifelong learning sectors, employment, work-based learning quality assurance framework including the cost-benefit analysis of apprenticeships, the Turkish Qualifications Framework and the validation of non-formal learning, and skills for the future in certain sectors.
The ETF provides expertise and collaborates closely with public/private institutions in human resources development in the country, including an interinstitutional high-level public-private steering group, operationally strategic national coordination structures and technical working groups.