ENE SISI: Sharing Innovation in Social Inclusion: Virtual Peer visit hosted by DAPP Ponesai Vanhu Vocational College - Zimbabwe

After the peer learning visits to Centres of Vocational Excellence from Israel, Turkey, Albania, Malawi and Georgia, the ETF Network for Excellence is pleased to present the on-line peer learning visit to PONESAI VANHU VOCATIONAL COLLEGE in Zimbabwe, under ENE SISI initiative- Sharing Innovation in Social Inclusion, whose aim is to recognize excellence in social inclusion through innovative solutions that focus on innovative teaching, learning and technology, and the communication of findings to the initiative’s broader community.

This Peer Leaning hosted by PONESAI VANHU VOCATIONAL COLLEGE will firstly present the overview of activities implemented by the technical college and then a video will allow the audience to have a virtual tour of the school premises. Innovative and inclusive practices will be tackled by teachers and students.  The discussion will also take into account the role of private private partnerships and the themes of gender inclusion and employment also thanks to the participation of different representatives of Ministries, Social Services department and Provincial Employment and Promotion centre.

The language of the event will be English. 

For more information, please see the attached agenda.

More information

Agenda Virtual peer visit Ponesai Vanhu Vocational College Zimbabwe
Presentations Ponesai Vanhu Technical Centre, Zimbabwe