Since 1998 we have been supporting Tunisia to develop vocational training to boost employability, increase access to opportunity and promote social cohesion complementing the work of the European Commission and the EU’s External Action Service, including support to the Delegation of the European Union to Tunisia.
The European Training Foundation (ETF) is providing essential assistance across this agenda, in particular to promote entrepreneurial learning across the vocational education and training (VET) system and the development of key entrepreneurship competences. The ETF supports the Ministry of Vocational Training and Employment on the regionalisation of the VET governance as part of the VET reform strategy, further supported during the fifth round of the Torino Process assessment report implemented also at regional level.
The ETF supports the Delegation with technical input on regionalisation, qualifications and smart specialisation within the IRADA programme, providing input to policy monitoring mechanisms through annual country updates, and follow-up of the Mobility Partnership. Tunisia is an active member of the ETF Forum for Quality Assurance.