Negotiated procedures

More information

21ETF14 Ex ante publicity Social inclusion in Network of Excellence
21ETF07 Ex ante publicity Qualifications Database
21ETF13 Ex ante publicity PPP and autonomy in Network of Excellence
21ETF06 Ex ante publicity Layout services
21ETF12 Ex ante publicity Greening Responses to Excellence through Thematic Actions
21ETF05 Ex ante publicity Monitoring SEMED
21ETF11 Ex ante publicity Big data for Labour Market Intelligence
21ETF02 Ex ante publicity Relocation services
21ETF10 Ex ante publicity Entrepreneurial Centres of Vocational Excellence
21ETF17 Ex ante publicity Study Western Balkans
21ETF09 Ex ante publicity Developing and sharing excellence on digitalisation of teaching and learning
21ETF18 Ex ante publicity Social inclusion in Network of Excellence
21ETF19 Ex ante publicity Greening responses to excellence through thematic actions
21ETF25 Hybrid meeting rooms
21ETF26 Sharepoint support services