

The European Training Foundation (ETF) has launched in 2020 two initiatives aimed at measuring the...


Civil society organisations (CSOs) contribute to lifelong learning and the development of vocational...


Prioritise HCD measures that support the reintegration of inactive women into the labour market

  • The ETF recommends expanding ALMP measures to include inactive women and youth in support of their reintegration in the economy, for instance by investing in the development of a CVET offer in accordance with labour market demand across the country and by mainstreaming CVET as a policy priority in the work of bodies that govern the TVET sector, starting with the TVSD Commission.
  • Examples of prioritisation measures could include preparing information and incentive packages for women, youth, and their families in support of labour market participation and addressing the non-monetary obstacles to labour market participation.
  • These obstacles are largely neglected and include working environments where there is a lack of responsiveness to the needs of women for flexible working arrangements and part-time employment, and where employment decisions tend to discriminate against female candidates for employment.


Improve the conditions for female participation in mainstream TVET courses

  • The ETF recommends improving the conditions for female participation in mainstream TVET courses. This should include improving the course offer, making it more gender-sensitive, raising awareness and gender sensitivity among TVET teachers and trainers, and establishing more gender-friendly training environments.
  • The ETF also suggests setting up a comprehensive, national career guidance system where course counselling includes a focus on encouraging women to expand their options when choosing educational fields of study.


Improve and diversify support for at-risk students in TVET

  • The ETF recommends developing solutions that address a wider selection of risks to participation, such as the poor quality of teaching, the fact that the family situation of students may call for greater flexibility in the timing of courses, the lack of an individualised approach to teaching, etc. A renewed discussion of these challenges should be put high on the work agenda of the TVSD Commission as well.


Harmonise the provision of entrepreneurial learning across the TVET system

  • The ETF recommends prioritising EL in all segments of TVET irrespective of the division of governance responsibilities for the sector and ensuring that there is a unified approach to the integration of EL in curricula across the TVET system.
  • This could be done, for instance, by committing to minimum standards of EL provision, such as a comparable number of hours and a comparable choice of EL elements, which may include the current focus of the Vocational Training Corporation (VTC) on communication, vocational tracks, self-marketing, problem-solving, life skills, entrepreneurship and self-employment.


Prioritise small and micro-enterprises in the promotion of partnerships between TVET and the private sector

  • The ETF recommends expanding the involvement of employers to include their participation in the setting of TVET standards, the design of training content, and the testing of competencies provided by TVET.
  • An extra effort should be invested in capturing the needs of small and micro-enterprises, which at the time of this assessment were the dominant drivers of job creation in the country. This could be done by diversifying the current profile of private-sector representatives on the TVSD Commission to reflect the composition of the labour market more accurately.
  • In addition to financial incentives and support, the key to involving small and micro-businesses would be to provide them with the prospect of training that links to their business needs.


Raise the responsiveness of TVET to labour market needs by focusing on evidence

  • The ETF recommends establishing a process of regular (annual) reviews and – where needed – updates of TVET programmes in all TVET subsectors on the basis of evidence from regular screening and the consideration of evidence on labour market needs provided by the LMIS.
  • This could be done by reinforcing the mandate of existing bodies, such as the newly established sector skills councils, to coordinate with the private sector. In this respect, it would be important to put the annual review of programme relevance based on labour market evidence high on the agenda of the councils responsible for governing the various segments of TVET in Jordan, most notably the TVSD Commission in keeping with its mandate to support youth and address unemployment through better TVET.
  • Additionally, the ETF recommends a revision of the process for updating TVET programmes to bring the process closer to VET providers and make it faster and more agile. The modularisation of programmes could be an important element in this effort.