Supporting schools for learning in the digital age - SELFIE Kick-off meeting in the Republic of Moldova

Republic of Moldova has in the recent years taken initiatives to support the development of digital skills and foster the use of digital technologies in education and training including, for example, the National Strategy “Digital Moldova 2020”, promoting the development of digital skills and the National Strategy for the development of VET system in Republic of Moldova (2013-2020) that points to the use of ICT for modern teaching and learning practices.

In this context and in line with the co-operation framework agreed between Moldova and the European Training Foundation (ETF) for 2020, the aim of this event is to launch a SELFIE pilot in a number of schools in Moldova.

SELFIE is a tool developed by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission that aims to support the innovative use of digital technologies in teaching and learning in primary, secondary general and vocational schools, and digital competences of learners.

The objectives of the workshop are:

  • Launching a SELFIE pilot in Moldova, involving primary, secondary general and vocational schools selected by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research;
  • Train the school manager and two teachers from each participating school on how the SELFIE tool can be set up and used in their school, including how to interpret and apply the results.

This event and the subsequent results of the SELFIE pilot will inform the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research on further steps with a possible system-wide piloting of SELFIE and towards the digitalization of schools in Moldova.


More information

DSC-DOL_MOL_Agenda Kick-off meeting SELFIE_ENG
DSC-DOL_SELFIE_Moldova_Ralph Hippe_EN
MOL_Introduction to SELFIE_Alessandro Brolpito_EN
SELFIE guide for school coordinators_EN_updated
Instructions to register and operate in SELFIE_updated_EN
DSC-DOL_MOL_Flash Report_SELFIE Kick-off meeting 18 Feb