DARYA: Policy learning activity on Inclusiveness and active labour market policies

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Peer visit – Inclusiveness in Active Labour Market Policies

Active labour market policies (ALMPs) aim to improve the employability of specific target groups, such as the unemployed, young graduates, laid-off workers, long-term unemployed, elderly or people with obsolete skills, through the provision of different services and measures (for example training, employment and entrepreneurship incentives or subsidized employment). Vulnerable groups (such as people with disabilities, displaced people, young people in rural areas, or ethnic and migrant groups, and people facing intersectional inequalities) with weak attachment to the labour market require specific activation measures to be included in the labour markets. 

The focus of the peer-visit was on sharing successful practices in the integration of vulnerable groups, such as young people, people with handicap or ethnic minorities on the labour market. The peer-visit was followed up by an international peer-learning activity organised by ETF (with the contribution of DARYA project).

More information

Employment Assessment Group - Barcelona City Council
Fundación Secretariado Gitano
Unaccompanied migrant children and young people in care in Catalonia
BARCELONA ACCESIBLE - Instituto Municipal de Personas con Discapacidad
School of New Opportunities El Llindar