9th Western Balkans Civil Society Forum

The Western Balkans Civil Society Forum is part of EESC activities in the Western Balkans. It completes the existing bilateral work of the EESC with countries negotiating EU accession through Civil Society Joint Consultative Committees, established according to the legal basis provided for in the Stabilisation and Association Agreements. 

Organised every two years since 2006, the Civil Society Forum provides an opportunity to exchange views on the current situation of civil society in the region, its needs and its future development. It brings together civil society organisations from Western Balkans partners, members of the EESC, representatives of national Economic and Social Councils and similar institutions, representatives of EU institutions and of international organisations. The participants adopt conclusions addressed to national authorities and the European institutions. 

This year's forum is organised in close cooperation with the European Commission (DG NEAR), the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), the European Training Foundation (ETF) and the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) and the Civil Society & Think Tank Forum of the Berlin process. 

Please be informed that the EESC's 9th Western Balkans Civil Society Forum in Thessaloniki is going to be web streamed in all the languages of the conference, i.e. MK, EL, EN, BS-HR-SR-MN and SQ (Albanian). 

The link to the web streaming is available on the EESC webpage https://www.eesc.europa.eu/en/agenda/our-events/events/9th-western-balkans-civil-society-forum/webstream.  Please feel free to distribute it within your organisations and with your partners as well.

We would as well like to inform you that you can find the latest Programme of the EESC's Western Balkans Forum on the EESC website too https://www.eesc.europa.eu/en/agenda/our-events/events/9th-western-balkans-civil-society-forum/programme

In addition, several supporting documents such as EESC opinions and a collection of ETF documents relevant for the upcoming meeting in Thessaloniki were also published on the EESC website.

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