group of people (seen from above) sitting around a table and jointly creating a design, 'Ideas' being the central theme

Entrepreneurial centres of vocational excellence

Centres of vocational excellence (CoVEs) can boost social and economic development if they act in an entrepreneurial way:

  • driving innovation;
  • building robust networks; and 
  • putting learners at the centre. 

However, strategies and operational approaches need to be further defined.

Through the partnership of entrepreneurial CoVEs, the ETF has led a collective work to develop a new conceptual framework and a self-assessment toolkit (see Annex 1 in the conceptual framework) to help CoVEs start and monitor their entrepreneurial journey.

The partnership has focused its activities on improving CoVEs entrepreneurial approach to internationalisation, sustainable development and women entrepreneurship, digitalisation, and support to business start-ups. 

The partnership is inspired by EntreComp: The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework, the European Union’s reference framework promoting entrepreneurship as a key competence for lifelong learning across societies and economies. 

The ETF’s support to developing the entrepreneurial spirit across the Tunisian vocational training system has also inspired the partnership (see the Tunisia case & the report Partnering for a more entrepreneurial Tunisia).

This partnership falls under the ETF’s Network for Excellence.

Members of the partnership
To learn more about the partnership

More information

Entrepreneurial centres of vocational excellence – Factsheet