

The European Training Foundation (ETF) has launched in 2020 a new initiative for measuring the...


Enhancing support services to improve access to and completion of skills development programmes

  • Enhance support services for both students and their families to support access and prevent dropping out.
  • Implement a financial support scheme for poor families to increase school and VET attendance.
  • Review the funding system for the training of the unemployed and increase funding for active labour market measures.
  • Improve data collection and monitoring on the participation of vulnerable groups in skills development.


Strengthening the skills development dimension in rural development

  • Engage in the systematic integration and strengthening of the skills dimension in rural and regional development initiatives and funds.
  • Test a flexible, modular and distance learning approach for secondary education and VET in rural areas.
  • Broaden the range of VET programmes and incentivise practical training.


Building a National Training Alliance to foster lifelong learning

  • Create a National Training Alliance for reskilling and upskilling.
  • Promote a culture of lifelong learning and create a lifelong learning week.
  • Review and strengthen private training provision for adults.


Focusing on the quality of skills development

  • Engage in coordinated efforts across education subsectors; develop existing Competence and Dissemination Centres into Centres of Vocational Excellence that span subsectors.
  • Complete and fully apply the quality assurance system
  • Enhance teacher training in the skills most in need.
  • Develop a standard for the quality of learning infrastructure, including connectivity aspects.


Systematic and coordinated action for skills anticipation

  • Develop a mechanism for inter-ministerial operational leadership and coordination.
  • Devise a unified method and decision-making on the set of tools.
  • Create a master plan for regular implementation and capacity building of the institutions involved; leverage the capacity of the higher education sector and existing organisations with expertise to support the sustainability of new tools; allocate national resources.


Launching a Digital Skills Development Initiative

  • Test and adapt European Digital Competence Frameworks for organisations, teachers and citizens, and their related tools.
  • Conduct a curriculum review on digital skills and the use of digital technologies.
  • Establish a funding facility for digital skills and partnership with the business sector.


Stronger alignment of VET provision with priority economic sectors

  • Align VET provision to the diversification and digitalisation requirements of the country; develop a better connection between education and training and sectoral development strategies by enhancing the role of VET and skills provision from a lifelong learning perspective.
  • Review the list of occupations, VET profiles and the skills mix.
  • Expand apprenticeship opportunities in priority sectors and proceed with institutionalisation of the dual approach.