

These days of training, organised by the European Training Foundation in cooperation with the...


This training day, organised by the European Training Foundation in cooperation with the Ministry of...


This one-day training event for educators is an opportunity to learn about and through a new and...


The seminar on 19 – 21 June will focus on the latest developments, priorities and ongoing practices...


DARYA (Dialogue and Action for Resourceful Youth in Central Asia) is the first EU-funded regional...


Establish mechanisms for the recognition of non-formal and informal learning

The ETF recommends establishing a mechanism for the recognition and validation of informal and non-formal learning in order to capitalise on the skills obtained in this way. It also recommends expanding the coverage and impact of adult education as a policy priority.


Incentivise employers to participate in the creation of opportunities for lifelong learning

The ETF recommends creating flexible schemes to encourage the participation of employers in the creation of lifelong learning opportunities, for instance through co-financing schemes for the professional training of adults in employment and those looking for employment, based on training and curricula in the VET sector.


Close the data gap in the area of adult education and lifelong learning

The ETF recommends addressing the gap between the availability of evidence on adult education and lifelong learning. A first step in that direction would be to analyse the OECD's national PIAAC data, which is a rich repository of information on the skills of the adult population that can be used for monitoring and policy planning purposes.