
Future of Education

International Workers’ Day reminds us of the importance of solidarity, inclusion, and fairness, which the EU is ambitiously pursuing through the European Pillar of Social Rights and its Action Plan.

Within the EU’s external relations priorities the ETF supports countries in the EU's neighbouring regions, informed by EU policies and practices including the European Pillar of Social Rights. We work with countries to drive forward education and training reforms in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

ETF ‘Future of Education’ campaign

Throughout the month of May the ETF is sharing knowledge about the future of education; the support we are providing, the challenges countries are facing, and the progress being made.

Targeted ETF studies such as the ETF’s mapping of the impact of Covid-19 in partner countries revealed increased risks to ensuring equitable education and training provision and quality as a result of the crisis.

Education and learning systems must adapt and respond to changing skills, occupations, and employment resulting from globalisation, demographic changes, digital and climate transitions, and diminishing natural resources, which have all been exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic.  

The green and digital transitions and the pandemic accentuate the need for education and training systems to transition towards lifelong learning. New mindsets and new skills will be needed not only for people entering the labour market, but people of all ages and stages in life to ensure no-one is left behind. 

International conference

The ETF works in partnerships with other international organisations, national authorities, research community, digital platforms, social partners, civil society, and many others.

The issues raised in this campaign will be further analysed at an international conference organised by the ETF and UNESCO with the collaboration of EBRD and UNICEF, “Building lifelong learning systems: skills for green and inclusive societies in the digital era” which will be held online on 21-25 June 2021. It will focus on how education and training systems can adapt to the challenges of global change and green and digital futures and guarantee the right to quality education for all.


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