Launching a policy discussion on VET & Skills good multi-level Governance in Moldova

Moldova has been implementing VET reform aimed at supporting the socioeconomic development of the country. VET Strategy 2013-2020 represents the main policy document that outlines the reform process and sets medium and long-term objectives aiming at strengthening the sector, aligning it to the national context and meeting European integration aspirations ([1]).

Such Strategy for the Development of Technical Vocational Education (2013-2020) defines Moldova’s vision for reforms in vocational education and training from a lifelong learning perspective. In concrete, the Moldavian VET strategy 2013-2020 aims at: 

  1. Restructuring and modernizing VET network, and establishing Centres of Excellence,
  2. Adjusting VET delivery to the labour market needs based on competences,
  3. Enhancing the quality of VET through new curricula and QA and NQF developments,
  4. Increasing teaching staff quality with student-centred lifelong learning approaches,
  5. Improving the efficiency of VET funding resources,
  6. Increasing VET attractiveness for the uptake of VET places by 10%.

The key objectives of this workshop are following:

  • Sharing and exchanging among high level, other key country stakeholders and ETF, main views, ambitions, expectations and other key policy issues for implementing methodological approach on and review of VET & Skills good multilevel governance in the country.
  • Collect relevant feedbacks to be incorporated in ETF final methodology-toolbox- to support smooth implementation of VET good multilevel governance review in the country.
  • Agree with Moldavian high-level and other key stakeholders on the mutual approach and way forward to implement such institutional review based on ETF toolbox.

([1]) Many parts of this background is based on Torino process report Moldova (2018-2020)

More information

Presentation on ETF VET Skills Governance Toolbox
Workshop agenda
Presentation on ETF VET Skills Governance Toolbox
Workshop agenda
Flash report