EU Support Initiatives to the Education Sector in Moldova

EU Support Initiatives to the Education Sector in Moldova

The event “EU Support Initiatives to the Education Sector in Moldova” is co-organised by the European Training Foundation (ETF) and the National Erasmus+ Office (NEO) in Moldova, in cooperation with the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova. It will bring together a variety of national partners from both public institutions and civil society organisations, with the main aim to share and discuss the full range of EU interventions supporting human capital development and the education sector in Moldova. This will provide the opportunity to take stock of achievements, discuss challenges, and/or identify current or future synergies between various EU initiatives. Additionally, it will provide a festive occasion for the ETF and NEO to jointly celebrate the 30th anniversary of both the Erasmus+ Programme in Moldova and the European Training Foundation.  

The joint event aims to:

  • present the EU’s support to education and skills development in Moldova (projects and programmes led by the EU Delegation and its implementing partners);
  • present preliminary findings and recommendations of the RED report on Moldova’s education sector;
  • raise awareness of the Erasmus+ programme;
  • celebrate the 30th anniversary of both the Erasmus+ Programme in Moldova and the ETF

On 19th November evening, a concert at Organ Hall will symbolise the celebration of the anniversaries.

On 20th November, a 1-day seminar will encompass three main elements:

  • Presentation of EU support to education and skills development as part of EU-Moldova bilateral cooperation;

  • Presentation of preliminary findings and recommendations of the Rapid Education Diagnosis report (RED) on Moldova implemented by ETF under the EU-funded “Supporting Education Reforms and Skills in Eastern Partnership” (SER) regional programme;

  • Overview of thematic support provided to education in Moldova offered through the Erasmus+ Programme, highlighting education and learning opportunities, and the launch of the information campaign Erasmus+ 2025 Call for project proposals.

More information

ETF Moldova RED discussion November 2024