
DARYA: Active labour market policies and skills development for young people

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The webinar on Active Labour Market Policies and Skills Development for young people, with a dedicated focus on policy approaches, outreach and career guidance, aims to address the pressing challenges faced by young individuals in accessing employment opportunities. As young people transition from education to employment, they often encounter obstacles connected with the lack of professional experience, networks, information and guidance or labour market fluctuations. This webinar seeks to explore approaches within the realm of active labour market policies, particularly emphasizing outreach initiatives and career guidance strategies tailored to the needs of young job seekers.

Central to our discussions is the Youth Guarantee, a proactive policy initiative originating as a response to high rates of youth joblessness across Europe. The Youth Guarantee underscores a commitment to fostering youth employment by ensuring access to employment, continued education, apprenticeship or traineeship opportunities within a specified timeframe after leaving formal education or becoming unemployed. Through targeted support and personalised guidance, the Youth Guarantee aims to equip young individuals with the skills, resources, and opportunities necessary to navigate the labour market successfully.


Labour market transition and support to youth: Youth Guarantee, ETF

Labour market transition and support to youth: focus on career guidance and outreach, ETF

Youth, career guidance and outreach: Euroguidance network and outreach activities in Latvia


More information

Career Guidance and Outreach Strategies
Youth Career Guidance in Latvia
Inclusiveness and ALMPs - Country review
Youth Guarantee overview (CELEX)
Youth Guarantee principles and components