The European Training Foundation is supporting Armenia to develop education and training to boost employability, increase access to opportunities and promote social cohesion, complementing the work of the EU's External Action Service and upon request of the Delegation of the European Union to Armenia.
Entered into force in 2021, the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement sets a framework for cooperation between the EU and Armenia on issues such as better living standards (more jobs and business opportunities), and more choice in education (better quality of education, with a focus on lifelong learning).
The EU’s first regional programme supporting education reforms and skills in the Eastern Partnership region was formally launched in Turin in May 2024. This EUR 2.5 million, three-year (2024–26) programme – to be implemented by the ETF – aims to enhance the efficiency, quality, equity, equality and relevance of education systems in five countries of the region, including Armenia.
Since 2010, Armenia has been actively engaged in the Torino Process, a participatory analysis of education and training systems and policies, contributing to the ongoing and future policy reforms in this field. We are supporting national reforms in work-based learning and career guidance, and in 2022 we carried out a survey of the Armenian career development support system. In 2022, we also launched a review of labour market policies in Armenia to better target our policy advice on education, reskilling/upskilling and employability.
We have also investigated new forms of employment in the country, such as platform work, focusing our research on the changing patterns of work triggered by digitalisation; and studied the future skill needs in the construction sector (see also the summary note) to understand how various drivers of change impact occupations and related skill needs in the sector, and how the education and training system is adapting to these changing needs.
Armenia actively participates in our regional initiatives and networks, such as the Forum for Quality Assurance in VET, the ETF Network for Excellence, the Governance, Learning, Action and Dialogue – GLAD – network, the Creating New Learning initiative.