
International Career Guidance Symposium in Norway

The ETF participated at a key event on career guidance policies, organized bi-annually by the International Centre for Career Development and Public Policy (ICCDPP) in the polar circle city of Tromsø, Norway.

Country delegations from all over the world joined the International Career Guidance Symposium 17-20 of June, to address the challenges for career development policy, in the context of a rapidly changing world and uncertain future. Participants developed recommendations on how governments and public policy could support citizens to build successful and fulfilling careers.

The ETF urged the need for innovation in career guidance to meet both old and new challenges that countries and individuals are facing. In a panel discussion together with the European Commission, CEDEFOP, OECD, UNESCO, and the ETF announced a study being shortly launched to identify international trends and innovative practices from which other countries could benefit.

‘A wider adoption of career education, career management skills and meaningful use of digital tools are key for the future’, said Helmut Zelloth, ETF‘s expert on career guidance.

Among the wide range of country delegations present at the event, including Canada, Cambodia, Qatar, Sri Lanka, many ETF partner countries also contributed to the event, including Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Serbia and Kosovo*.


The ICCDPP was established 15 years ago with the support of the OECD, the European Commission, the World Bank, the Department of Education and Science in Ireland and the IAEVG (International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance). Its Director is Dr John McCarthy (Ireland) and the President of the Board is Ms Lynne Bezanson, the Executive Director of the Canadian Career Development Foundation.

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

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