
Celebrating 60 years of peace and prosperity

Sixty years ago, inspired by a dream of a peaceful, common future, the European Union's founding members embarked on an ambitious journey of European integration with the signing of the Treaties of Rome.

Sixty years ago, inspired by a dream of a peaceful, common future, the EU's founding members embarked on an ambitious journey of European integration with the signing of the Treaties of Rome.

They agreed to settle their conflicts around a table rather than in battlefields. As a result, the painful experience of Europe's troubled past has given way to a peace spanning seven decades and a common market where people, goods, services and capital can move freely. The enlarged Union sees 500 million citizens living in freedom and opportunity in one of the world's most prosperous economies.

Marked on 25 March 2017, the 60th anniversary is an important occasion for Europe’s leaders to reflect on the European project, and to look forward at shaping its future.

Reflecting on the historic milestone, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker says ‘it’s time for leadership, unity and common resolve.’

‘Our darkest day in 2017 will still be far brighter than any spent by our forefathers on the battlefield. As we mark the 60th anniversary, it is time for a united Europe of 27 to shape a vision for its future.’

The European Commission’s White Paper, setting out the main challenges and opportunities for Europe in the coming decade, will be discussed by the Heads of State or Government of the EU when they meet in Rome to mark the 60th anniversary.

More info about the White Paper available here.

More info on the Treaties of Rome here.

Text: European Commission

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