
Be part of the EU Vocational Skills Week!

The fifth edition of the European Vocational Skills Week, as announced by the Commissioner Nicolas Schmit, will take place on 9-13 November 2020, fully online. Everyone with an interest in vocational education and training, both from the European Union and its neighbouring countries, can get involved. You can:

  • Register your event or activityEvents or activities about vocational education can be registered to help raise the awareness and attractiveness of vocational training. Your event or activity will also be featured on the event map and will therefore gain more interest. Events from outside the European Union are warmly welcome, too!
  • Share your storyLet's be inspirational about vocational education! You can share details of how a traineeship has unlocked your professional potential or, if you’re an employer, about how you have up-skilled your workforce through vocational education and training. Fill in the short form on the event's 'Share your story page' and upload an image or video in order to be featured on the website.
  • Vote your favourite finalist to the Awards for vocational education and training excellence. Nominees from countries neighbouring the EU are also part of this process, thanks to the European Training Foundation (ETF) Innovaion and Skills Award. The call was open to all schools, universities and training centres (public or private) providing vocational education and training in countries surrounding the EU. This year, fin
  • Social media. Be a part of the conversation on social media, by using the dedicated hashtags #DiscoverYourTalent and #EUVocationalSkills.

More here

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