GLAD – Skills Sectors Councils and Key Findings of the VET Governance Inventory in Uzbekistan

Consistent reforms are being implemented in Uzbekistan's Vocational Education and Training (VET) system. As a result, its overall architecture, governance and funding, qualifications, quality assurance, and links with the labour market continue to develop. Good governance that increases the participation of employers and other social partners in the policy development process and stimulates the development of public-private partnerships is at the core of the policy debate. Skills Sector Councils (SSCs) are one policy option explored in the VET system in Uzbekistan.

Sectoral approaches are used to shape VET and skills provision tailored to the needs of businesses in a given economic sector through the engagement of social partners (employer and employee representatives). They are partnerships, and VET governance platforms for systematic cooperation supporting VET policies within a lifelong learning perspective by connecting education and training to labour market needs to promote the development of relevant skills.

The ETF has been at the forefront of developing a deep understanding of the lifelong learning process and fine-tuning the mechanisms for VET governance. Through ongoing analysis of current trends and governance arrangements in partner countries, the ETF has constructed a structured framework known as the ETF Governance Inventory. In 2020, it was used in a year-long pilot process of self-assessments of VET policy, management, financing, and quality assurance in five partner countries: Albania, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, and Uzbekistan.

The main objective of this workshop is, together with key partners in Uzbekistan, to discuss the characteristics of successful VET Governance. Considering different types of governance bodies – such as National VET Councils, Sector Skills Councils, and inter-ministerial structures - the findings of the ETF Governance Inventory in Uzbekistan will be explored in greater detail. This ETF activity aims to identify feasible approaches to VET Governance that support effective stakeholder participation based on the mission and vision for future VET in Uzbekistan and open up opportunities for Governance, Learning, Action and Dialogue (GLAD) cooperation with partners in the country.

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More information

Vocational Education and Training Governance Country Profile - Uzbekistan
Cross-country review
Uzbekistan Self-Assessment report in English
GLAD-Uzbekistan-Governance Inventory and Skills Sectors Councils presentation