
DARYA: The ETF Digital Education Reform Framework - tool to support a systemic approach for the development of digital competencies for all

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Over recent years, all Central Asian republics have adopted ambitious digitalisation strategies. Digital changes are expected to have a profound impact on public life, the economy but also education and training systems. Within the DARYA consultation process digital education reform was identified by all participating countries as a priority for Module 3. 

When approaching digital education, policy makers should be aware of the many existing policy options, understanding that the steps to implement, run and monitor a digital education initiative must be tailored to the dynamics and characteristics of contemporary digital ecosystems. Also, evidence-based policy making is key: rational, rigorous and systematic approaches towards digital education are needed, and these need to be informed by available evidence and data. Finally, digital education reforms should adapt to the degree of autonomy of schools and the role of local authorities: in many cases, a digital education reform designed at the national level is then implemented locally.  

To facilitate the understanding of these complexities and therefore the design and roll-out of sustainable and human-centric digital education initiatives, the ETF has created the Digital Education Reform Framework. The framework aims to inform policy makers and policy shapers about the possible focus areas – and their connections – and the critical factors that can contribute to the success of a digital education policy. The framework aims to support the efforts of governments and stakeholders to develop inclusive, effective and human-centric digital education policies and initiatives, by helping them to better understand what type of digital education initiatives can be launched in different areas (and for what purposes), and which critical factors need to be taken into account for their implementation. 

More information

ETF Digital Education Reform Framework
ETF Digital Education Reform Framework PPT
DARYA Template: Digital Education Reform