In Azerbaijan, the human capital development, vocational education and training (VET) and skills system is undergoing a significant transformation to address the challenges of our fast-changing world. Ensuring that human capital skills meet the needs of a greener and low-carbon economy is crucial. These changes in the education system pave the way for new jobs and increased prosperity for citizens.
ETF activities in Azerbaijan build on national policy priorities aimed at offering citizens opportunities for lifelong learning.
The EU’s first regional programme supporting education reforms and skills in the Eastern Partnership region was formally launched in Turin in May 2024. This EUR 2.5 million, three-year (2024–26) programme – to be implemented by the ETF – aims to enhance the efficiency, quality, equity, equality and relevance of education systems in five countries of the region, including Azerbaijan.
The ETF cooperates with the Agency for Vocational Education, under the Ministry of Science and Education, in implementing the Torino Process and supporting the monitoring of progress in human capital development. Additionally, the ETF partners with the ministry in the implementation of SELFIE, a tool designed to empower schools in harnessing the potential of digital technologies for enhanced teaching and learning experiences.
The ETF has been cooperating with the National Observatory on Labour Market and Social Protection Affairs since its establishment in 2020 – supporting the country in building a modern labour market information system which, among other objectives, should guide the reform of the education and training system.
The ETF provides strategic input to the EU Delegation to Azerbaijan and the European Commission by actively participating in the European Union’s country programming cycle. This encompasses the shaping of interventions within the EU Annual Action Programme 2018 and the provision of insights into human capital development within the EU Multiannual Indicative Programme 2021–2027 for Azerbaijan.
Furthermore, the ETF is providing progress monitoring of the EU-funded project VET for the Future supporting the modernisation of VET institutions, implemented by the United Nations Development Programme.
Read our last update on Key policy developments in education, training and employment (ETF, 2023).