


Give more policy attention to Lebanese emigrants, including those in the pre-departure stage, the diaspora and returnees

Foster exchange programmes for Lebanese nationals studying and working abroad to attract them back; offer entrepreneurship training to returnees; establish micro-credit initiatives and remittance schemes to invest in productive activities, etc.


Ensure a progressive transition from donor- to country-led VET planning, implementation and monitoring

a. Full ownership would require a broader base of stakeholder commitment and collaboration.

b. Policy uptake and ownership means also having the financial capacity and autonomy to support reforms.

c. A monitoring and evaluation system needs to be established to assess the progress of policy implementation.


Diversifying the financial mechanisms to address policy priorities, further engage the private sector and ensure greater sustainability

a. Develop an agreed costing methodology

b. Diversify the funding sources

c. Move towards a more performance-oriented approach to resource allocation.

d. Give more financial autonomy to VET schools


Create the conditions to gradually establish a national labour market information system (LMIS)

Provide labour market actors with the necessary information to bridge the skills mismatch gap support career guidance services and adapt ALMPs


Developing a QA framework and completing the NQF project for greater quality, transparency and mobility of qualifications and recognition of prior learning

a. Develop a quality assurance framework (QAF)

b. Complete and formalise the National Qualifications Framework (NQF)

c. Set up a system for the validation of non-formal and informal learning (VNFIL)


Create the conditions for an ecosystem easing the school- and work-to-work transition

a. Review and consolidate a comprehensive and more effective career guidance system

b. Reinforce the role of the National Employment Office to fully accomplish its role of labour market intermediation

c. Regulate and extend work-based learning for more effective and faster transition into employment


R.1.2. Improve VET provision for better responsiveness to labour market needs

a. Improve the teaching and learning environment for effective VET provision

b Mainstreaming key competences with a focus on digitalisation and entrepreneurship.


Create conducive conditions for the establishment of a multi-level and multi-stakeholder governance ecosystem

a. National: Reactivate and operationalise the Higher Council for VET and foster all kinds of PPP

b. Sectoral: Set up skills councils in priority sectors

c. Local: Reinforce schools' autonomy and integration with their environment