
Moldova: Matching skills with labour market demands

Close links between education, training and industry helps to address skills demand and supply.

Close links between education, training and industry helps to address skills demand and supply. In Moldova, Sector Committees (SCs), led by employers, business associations, trade unions and other social partners are increasing ties between vocational education providers and industry through a sector-specific approach.

The European Training Foundation (ETF) has been supporting this work, helping the SCs prepare skills trend reports. The first report focusses on the construction sector. With the ongoing support of the ETF, the SCs will prepare reports for the agriculture and food, IT and communication, transport and road infrastructure, and trade sectors.

Taking a sector-specific approach is an effective approach for anticipating changing skills needs. This topic is covered in the comprehensive 'how-to' skills anticipation and matching guides produced by the ETF together with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) - Available here.


You can also find out how the ETF’s flagship programme -  theTorino Process – is helping policymakers and employers in Moldova develop a more career-oriented, affordable and flexible vocational system by visiting the #ETFTRP blog here.

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