The cooperation between public bodies and businesses is key for skills development

The joint work of public and private sectors will be at the centre of discussions during an event co-organized by the ETF and International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS) on 4-5 December 2019 in Brussels.

The event will focus on the results of the ETF study on Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) for Skills Development.

The study covers research and in-depth assessment of best practice in participating countries involved in  successful partnerships.

The ETF has gathered 23 case studies in 14 countries that feature different traditions of public-private cooperation.

The discussion will involve experts and practitioners from the European Union and from the EU neighbouring countries.

The seminar will be organised around several topics, including the contribution of PPP to innovation in skills development and the added value of PPPs compared to other forms of cooperation in skills development.

What is PPP


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