The European Training Foundation (ETF) cooperates with and complements the work of the European Commission and of the EU’s External Action Service in Palestine, including providing assistance to the Office of the European Union Representative in support of EU-Palestine bilateral policy dialogue with input for the European Neighbourhood Policy action plan monitoring and bilateral subcommittee meetings, and delivery of annual country updates to the Commission's Directorate-General for Employment. In addition, we are part of the EU donors joint programming working group for Palestine.
In cooperation with GIZ, we are assisting the Palestinian Government in developing a national qualification framework (NQF) by providing expertise on successful international NQF experiences. We are contributing to the Youth Empowerment Programme led by Enabel and to the EPISODE project on social and digital entrepreneurship, led by UNIMED, the Mediterranean Universities Union. We cooperate with DVV International through the Partnership for Innovation in Adult Learning and Education to pilot innovative practices in adult learning in the country. We also focus on engaging relevant national stakeholders in our networks, namely the ETF Network for Excellence, the Skills Lab network and the Community of Innovative Educators.
Furthermore, Palestine is involved in the Torino Process data collection, is an active member of the ETF Forum for Quality Assurance, and participates in UNESCO’s Youth Employment in the Mediterranean project.
* This designation shall not be construed as recognition of a State of Palestine and is without prejudice to the individual position of the Member States on this issue.