The European Training Foundation (ETF) has been supporting Kazakhstan since 1995 in developing education and training to boost employability, increase access to opportunities and promote social cohesion, complementing the work of the European Commission and the EU’s External Action Service, including responding to requests from the Delegation of the European Union to Kazakhstan.
In 2022, the EU’s first-ever regional project supporting young people in Central Asia – DARYA – was launched. This five-year project, which aims at fostering inclusion and labour market skills, is implemented by the ETF.
Within the context of the Torino Process, the ETF supports the engagement and interaction of key stakeholders (Ministry of Labour, Workforce Development Centre, National Chamber of Entrepreneurs 'Atameken', Information Analytical Centre under the Ministry of Education and Science). In addition, peer exchanges and learning among Torino Process team members from different partner countries have been facilitated during the Eastern Partnership and Central Asian Torino Process regional meetings. The ETF shares updates on the latest EU developments in vocational education and training as well as good practice from EU and ETF partner countries.
As a follow-up to the multi-country public-private partnership study conducted in 2018–19, the ETF contributes to the OECD's Skills Strategy Diagnostic report for Kazakhstan.