ETF-UNICEF ECARO Meeting: Empowering futures: Demystifying career pathways through a youth lens

The European Training Foundation (ETF) and the UNICEF Europe and Central Asia Regional Office (UNICEF ECARO) organised on 12 March 2024, in Brussels, an event on “Empowering Futures: Demystifying Career Pathways through a Youth Lens”, to present and discuss the joint ETF-UNICEF study on career guidance demand amongst youth.

The joint study aims at capturing young people's opinions and perceptions on access, expectations and needs with regard to career guidance and counselling as well as career education to inform policy responses to significant socio-economic and technological changes and challenges ahead, and ultimately empower young people.

Throughout the year 2023, surveys and focus groups were conducted among 7,400 young people across 11 countries and the Europe region, covering Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Kosovo*, Kyrgyzstan, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.

The main objectives of this event were to launch the joint study and share the main findings to inform policy responses aimed at enhancing the career guidance counselling, and ultimately empower young people.

The joint study can be accessed at the link:

A Summary of the report is also available below.

Target audience: policy makers, young contributors, EU and international institutions and organizations

Final Agenda and interventions and presentations from the meeting are available below. 


* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

More information

Final Agenda
PPT key findings and conclusions of the study
PPT Hanna Voronina_Ukraine
PPT_Joniada Hito_Tirana Career Office
PPT_Peter Weber_University of Applied Labour Studies of the German PES
Summary Joint ETF-UNICEF report Learning for Careers
PPT Corinne Lamontagne
PPT Antoaneta Irikova