Torino Process 2022-24

Torino Process: Towards Lifelong Learning - National dissemination meeting

Bosnia and Herzegovina is an active participant in the new round of the Torino Process, which the European Training Foundation (ETF) has launched with a specific focus on monitoring the performance of education and training systems in a lifelong learning perspective, and on reviewing policies for lifelong learning. 

This event will present the findings of the Torino Process review of policies for lifelong learning in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Specifically, the meeting will have the following objectives:

1.     Present and discuss the main findings of the review of LLL policies in Bosnia and Herzegovina with a focus on work-based learning for youth and adults;

2.     Discuss the relevance of the proposed recommendations and map ways for their implementation.

More information

DRAFT - Torino Process - Review of Policies for Lifelong Learning in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Presentation - Torino Process - Review of Policies for Lifelong Learning in Bosnia and Herzegovina