quality VET

Assuring quality in vocational training

The ETF's approach to promoting quality assurance in vocational education and training (VET) is based on a conceptual framework focusing on five key areas: policy and governance; qualification standards; provision; assessment, validation and certification; and data. It comprises sample measures and indicators, has a European and international perspective, and aims to support the development of a quality culture. For more details, see: Promoting quality assurance in vocational education and training: the ETF approach.

In 2017, the ETF launched the Forum for Quality Assurance in VET. Representatives from national ministries and authorities/agencies from South Eastern Europe and Turkey, the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean, and Eastern Europe participate. Member countries are supported in modernising and improving quality assurance in VET through transnational peer learning. Aligning with EU policy for quality assurance in VET, including the Reference Framework, and linking with the EQAVET Network provides access to EU Member States’ developments and facilitates wider networking.

Since its establishment, the forum members have been engaged in:

  • monitoring and reporting on their quality assurance systems and mechanisms (Search results);
  • mapping the understanding, relevance, coverage, usage and characteristics of data collection of the EQAVET indicators (Mapping instrument)
  • participating in peer learning activities such as the peer visit hosted by the forum member institution in Tunisia, which focused on quality assurance measures related to the certification process of the pedagogical training of VET trainers in the country, or the EQAVET Forum 2018 about the learner’s voice as part of quality assurance. Consult ETF Peer visit guidance and training manual.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the forum organised several webinars targeting a wider public and covering various quality assurance measures:

Más información

Quality assurance in vocational education and training in Albania – 2020