Youth in focus

Youth in focus

The Covid-19 health pandemic has had a huge impact on youth, including their education, training and career plans, which galvanised the European Union (EU) to implement a host of supporting measures to help them overcome difficulties and realise their potential. Special attention is given to helping youth coming from disadvantaged backgrounds to empower them in their lives, communities, and society at large.

2022 has been designated the European Year of Youth, and one of its key objectives is to highlight the importance of young people in society particularly for shaping a greener, more inclusive and digital society. The EU’s Youth Strategy 2019–2027 sets out 11 European Youth Goals for which education and skills development, civic engagement, well-being and inclusion are cornerstones. Young people are a high political priority also within the EU’s external relations in which the ETF operates. The EU’s policies and actions support the 2030 Agenda and many of the Sustainable Development Goals in which the development and engagement of youth is a key focus.

Guided by EU policies and practice the ETF supports countries in the EU’s neighbouring regions through policy advice and targeted interventions to adapt and reform their employment and labour market systems with specific attention to the needs of youth (read more in the ETF's presentation Youth in focus: Youth at the heart of the ETF). The ETF’s communication campaign in June 2022 focuses on youth and puts the spotlight on the many aspects of our work.

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